Necessary inoculations

Poliomyelitis (infantile paralysis/polio)

Poliomyelitis is an infectious disease caused by polio viruses; in non-inoculated persons, these befall the nerve cells in the spinal cord which control muscle response – and thereby lead to potentially fatal paralytic symptoms. This infectious disease can occur in epidemic proportions.
  • Travel to Africa or Asia: a single inoculation every 10 years
  • Supplement any lacking/incomplete basic immunisation
Yellow fever (required inoculation)

Yellow fever is a tropical viral illness transmitted by mosquitoes. The disease pattern can sometimes manifest itself with very slight symptoms which may go unnoticed. In severe forms, the symptoms of this illness are atypical; fever can reach 39° - 40°C. Only after several days does severe jaundice occur due to ensued liver damage. There is no specific treatment. In a large percentage of cases, the manifestation of this illness is fatal.
  • Required inoculation
  • After ten days, protection persists for 10 years
Hepatitis A + B

Hepatitis A + B is a viral illness. Transmission of Type A occurs via contaminated food or drinking water – other possible means of transmission include flatware and towels. Type B is transmitted by blood transfusions, insufficiently-sterilised syringes, minute injuries to the skin and mucous membranes – also primarily by sexual intercourse. The clinical picture of such an infection typically involves flu-like symptoms, nausea and bloating, vomiting and general fatigue. Other ensuing manifestations include a more or less pronounced yellow discolouration of the skin and the sclera of the eye, along with light-coloured stool and brown urine.
  • Basic immunisation: two necessary inoculations at 6- to 12-month intervals
  • Onset of protection: a few days after the initial inoculation
  • Duration of protection: min. 10 years; no inoculation intervals required
Meningococcal meningitis

Meningococcal meningitis is a form of cutaneous anthrax which can occur as a result of direct skin contact with animal materials contaminated by this virus. In this process, the viruses penetrate the skin via smaller injuries. This can result in respiratory anthrax upon inhalation of very fine powders containing the virus and/or spores (or inhalation of droplet mist). The onset of intestinal anthrax has been observed following the consumption of insufficiently-cooked meat or internal organs from infected animals. As a rule, there is no human-to-human transmission of anthrax.
  • This inoculation is advisable for travellers in close contact with the local population (particularly in tropical African countries and the Gulf states)
  • A single inoculation provides protection for 3-5 years; no inoculation intervals required
Pneumococci (in the elderly or in persons with pre-existing conditions)

Pneumococci are bacteria which cause severe infections. These are particularly hazardous to infants, small children, the elderly or to persons with underlying pre-existing conditions.
  • Recommended for those over 60, as well as for all persons with underlying pre-existing conditions (such as diabetes, immune deficiency and the like).
  • A single inoculation provides protection for ca. 6 years
Malaria (Prophylaxis with Malarone®)

Malaria is an illness transmissible by mosquitoes; in this context, the risk of mosquito bites is significantly higher at dawn or dusk. There are three basic types: Malaria tertiana, Malaria quartana und Malaria tropica. An episode of malaria usually begins with chills and high fever (up to 40°C) which is reduced once again by a tendency to profuse sweating. Based on the particular form of malaria, this may be accompanied by vomiting, diarrhoea, headache and circulatory collapse. Drastic complications include shifting of cerebral, renal and pulmonary blood vessels. In Equatorial Guinea, Malaria tropica is very prevalent. Left untreated, malaria – particularly the hazardous Malaria tropica - has a fatal progression in non-immune Europeans. The outbreak can even occur several weeks or months after the stay. If fever occurs within this period, always notify the attending physician of your stay in a malaria-prone region.
  • 2 days prior to arrival: 1 tablet daily
  • No malaria prophylaxis can offer 100% protection from infection. However, this risk can be significantly reduced by the intake of such tablets.

Typhus is an orally-transmitted disease. Within 1 – 3 weeks of infection: onset of a general malaise accompanied by slow and gradually-progressive increase in temperature and stable fever (at approx. 40°) for 1 – 2 weeks. These symptoms are followed by cutaneous manifestations, constipation with subsequent diarrhoea. Cerebral oedema, intestinal bleeding, peritonitis, cardiac inflammation and bladder inflammation are potential associated complications.
  • A one-time injection (duration of protection: 3 years)
  • No 100% protection

Rabies is a disease transmitted by infectious animal secretions (for example, saliva after a bite from an animal) but also by scratching and licking. Infection of humans is also possible prior to the outbreak of this disease in the animal itself. Reddening of the bitten area occurs along with general and non-specific symptoms. Seizures occur until the onset of cardiac paralysis. Every case is fatal after outbreak of the disease.
  • Basic immunisation: 3 necessary inoculations on Day 0, Day 7 and Days 21-28
  • Further boosters: after 2 years, then every 5 years

Cholera is an illness which primarily befalls the small intestine. Humans and their excrements (along with contaminated water or arable crops irrigated with contaminated water – also marine animals). The typically acute-onset, watery diarrhoea in rice-sized particles lead to quick dehydration of the body. Left untreated, this illness is fatal.
  • Basic immunisation: 3 necessary inoculations on Day 0, Day 7 and Days 21-28
  • Further boosters: after 2 years, then every 5 years

Bata - a coastal city in Africa
Bata is the capital city of the mainland region Mbini in the territory of Equatorial Guinea and of the province Litoral.

As of 2008, Bata had approximately 207,765 residents - and is the country's largest city.

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